I have come to a very disturbing conclusion. Not everybody carries a book with them at all times.
I know! Shocking right?! I don't understand why this is, haven't they ever watched Gilmore Girls?
Rory Gilmore is my personal hero. She ALWAYS carried books along with her, everywhere, even on dates! And it wasn't because she expected the event to be boring, or turn sour, it was because you never know what might happen. Never, so you better come prepared with a lengthy book that can surely occupy your time and take you out of your predicament, be it boredom or else.
So I've compiled some of MY reasons to bring books everywhere, and I strongly encourage you guys to add MORE on the comments. It would be really nice to see I am not the only weirdo around here who had to buy a bigger badass Converse purse just because my books didn't fit in my old small one.
10. Don't believe your friends and family, parties can be dull...
9. What if the electricity goes out?!?!
8. The end of the world is here! Aliens are attacking, humanity is doomed!!
... and you are curled up with a very good book. If reading IN THE AFTER taught me anything is this: books are going to be your sole source of entertainment when the zombie overlords attack and take away the electricity and the modern world pretty much collapses on itself.
BTW IN THE AFTER is such a good book, you should definitely read it. Creepy and exhilarating.
7. You are incredibly sad over something to the point where you might cry in public.
No one can quite cry like a Winchester. |
6. You are incredibly pissed about something to the point where you might punch someone in public.
5. You have a menial chore that could be improve by awarding yourself with one. more. chapter.
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4. You need a chapter break from life.
Sometimes things are just too much to bear. If you need a distraction from life, from a fight, from searching for your missing kid, grab a book.
3. You are potentially getting robbed but your purse is so heavy with that copy of The Deathly Hallows that the robber just gives up.
... stranger things have been known to happen? If not then HIT HIM IN THE HEAD WITH IT. It will hurt, trust me. Consider carrying an extra hardcover with you at all times as a security measurement.
2. You need some advice to give your friend but you don't know what to say exactly.
Books can give very good advice indeed.
1. Because you just love books.
Books ARE magic. |
PS; In other news I am still extremely sad about Cory Monteith. Still can't believe it happened. #InDenial
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