
When Re-Vamping a Cover isn't Always the Smart Choice: The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa (The Eternity Cure, book #2, also has a cover!)

Isn't it freaking annoying how you can get into the first version of a cover only to have the original design completely change for the second and third book. It's happened before with books like Delirium by Lauren Oliver and Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan for example. In the Delirium series the change was welcoming the second not so much. Same this time around. Behold the new cover for The Immortal Rules:

I can summarise my feelings for the second cover in two words: unimpressed/disappointed. It actually looks like a poster for a movie. Maybe that's what they were going for? The first cover is so special and descriptive of the story. The tear of blood, the paleness of the model, the fierce look in her eyes, the font, the colors... everything works together to bring you together a freaking great cover. And then we get a circle of yellow chalk with the title on top. Unimpressed, disappointed.

And now behold the cover for The Eternity Cure!

It just makes you wonder if they just gave up trying to come up with a logical continuation. Don't get me wrong it looks cool. I like the color blue, and the symmetry of the tree branches. That's about it. Hopefully there is an alternative in the works that looks similar to the first cover.

Here is what Julie Kagawa has to say about the second book, The Eternity Cure:
"In The Eternity Cure, new vampire Allison Sekemoto has come to terms with what she is and what she must do to survive: prey on humans. She knows she is a vampire, but she is determined not to become a monster. But then she meets someone who challenges that belief, telling her all vampires are killers, encouraging her to embrace her savage instincts. And as she gets closer to rescuing Kanin, the lines between human and monster blur even further, and Allison must decide to either cling to her rapidly fading humanity, or succumb to the darkness within.”
Sounds like it's going to be great!! I cannot wait for The Eternity Cure, sure as all hell that Julie Kagawa is only going to dazzle us once more.

Still, I don't like the new covers, eeks.


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(1) non-count-nouns made countable (1) noun modifiers (1) numerals (1) numerals (1) onomatopoeia (1) opel (1) ordinal numbers (1) participial adjectives (1) participial adjectives ING x ED (1) participial phrases (1) past perfect continuous (1) past perfect with never (1) past perfect x past perfect continuous (1) personification (1) phrasal verbs (1) planes (1) possessive pronouns (1) pre-determiners: what and such (1) present perfect with JUST (1) quantifiers with countable x uncoountable (1) reading (1) reflexive pronouns (1) relative clauses with prepositions (1) reported x direct speach (1) restrictive x unrestrictive relative clauses (1) rules with NO (1) scanning - reading (1) sequence words (1) should (1) similes (1) similes x metaphors (1) simple present x present continuous (1) simple present x simple past (1) so x because (since) (1) so x so that (1) so x too (1) superlative with nouns (1) tag questions (1) this that these those (1) tips (1) to be supposed to x to be able to (1) toys (1) used to x would (1) verb + gerund or infinitive (1) wh-questions (1) whereas and while (1) while x during (1) wish (1) would you ever... (1)


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